Tuesday, March 07, 2006

16 Blocks

Overall Rating: # # # # (4 Buckets o' Popcorn)
Merlin's Grade: # # # # (4 Buckets o' Popcorn)
Michele's Grade: # # # # (4 Buckets o' Popcorn)

(Merlin) Another excellent performance by Bruce Willis. It's almost painful how well he plays a run-down drunk of a cop. Mos Def does well as Eddie the witness Frank (Bruce Willis) is protecting (although I found his voice quite annoying, but kind of an interesting quirk of the character). The plot is gripping, with some unexpected twists where you are led to one conclusion and it turns out to be something completely different. Cinamatography and sound are well done, emphasizing with the mood and feel of the movie. Overall an excellent movie.

(Michele) Wow, first time that Bruce looked absolutely horrible! Pasty white, falling over; he captured the long lost alcoholic with scarey clarity. A really good movie. Mos Def's character is one you come to respect, and empathize with. An awesome movie.

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