Saturday, April 28, 2007


Overall Rating: # # # # (4 Buckets o' Popcorn)
Merlin's Grade: # # # # (4 Buckets o' Popcorn)
Michele's Grade: (? Buckets o' Popcorn)

(Merlin) This Nicolas Cage action/thriller came out pretty well. An interesting concept and some amazing effects combine with some cool plot twists to create an entertaining movie. Time well spent, and would make a great TV series.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Overall Rating: # # # # (4 Buckets o' Popcorn)
Merlin's Grade: # # # # (4 Buckets o' Popcorn)
Michele's Grade: (? Buckets o' Popcorn)

(Merlin) Intense thinking thriller with great performances by Anthony Hopkins & Ryan Gosling.

Friday, April 06, 2007


Overall Rating: # # # + (3 1/2 Buckets o' Popcorn)
Merlin's Grade: # # # + (3 1/2 Buckets o' Popcorn)
Michele's Grade: (? Buckets o' Popcorn)

(Merlin) Fun assassination thriller with some interesting plot twists. Mark Wahlberg plays the "down-home-oh-gosh-ma'am" sniper with a heart against Danny Glover's shadow government conspirator. The whole thing works suprisingly well, with the requisite ass-kicking of the baddies.